- Computer Privacy: The computer is a tool for the family. Each family member has his/her own directory for the use of storage areas. These directories shall be treated like school lockers. I will not trespass within other directories without permission. I understand that my parents may view my directory at any time.
- Online Privacy: I will always utilise an appropriate nickname when online. To protect mine and my family's identity, personal information such as our last name, address, telephone number, school name, and password online is never to be given out. If a necessity appears to exist, I must obtain permission.
- Illegal Copying: I will not install anything found on the Internet, including software, MP3 files, pictures, etc., without permission. Installation of certain files can damage the computer. I will not violate copyright laws by obtaining permission from the web host before downloading images or files. When using the Internet as a research tool, I will always properly credit my sources.
- Inappropriate Materials or Language: The use of profanity, offensive, or sexually explicit material and/or language shall not be used to communicate online. It is understood that if I wouldn't show it to mom or dad it probably shouldn't be viewed, sent, or accessed. If suggestive, harassing, demeaning or belligerent communication is encountered; I will bring it to mom or dad's attention immediately. I will never respond to such messages.
- Physical Limitation: I promise to limit my online and computer usage to a reasonable amount of time - as set forth by my parents. The time that I do spend on the computer will be spent during approved hours.
- Personal Safety: Face to face meetings with anyone met online are not safe. Any attempt to meet a "cyberpal" must be co-ordinated by mom or dad. I remember that not everything I read or see online is always the truth. The "she" that is 16-years old may really be a 40 year old man.
- Bad Feelings: The rules have been established to ensure a safe online experience for my family and me. Most people online are honest and decent. However, there are some people specifically looking to abuse children and teenagers online. If anything feels scary, threatening, or just plain weird, I will print it and tell mom and dad immediately.
I have read and understand the above rules. If for any reason, the rules are violated, it is understood that all computer privileges will be revoked for a period to be determined.
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Name Date
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Parent Date