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Online In-Service Training Seminar on Bullying, Cyberbullying and Gangs
CyberAngels has joined forces with a seasoned provider of quality online in-service training seminars for educators, Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission, www.moesc.org, an agency of the NJ Department of Education, to produce web-based multimedia educational programs on a student safety issues. The first product of this exciting venture is a 2-hour program designed to raise awareness and involve the school community in protecting students from bullying, cyberbullying, and gangs.
This program, features remarks and presentations by Curtis Sliwa, Guardian Angels Founder and CEO, NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly, technology expert Jim Anderson, StandardID, and Barry Colicelli, retired Captain of the Newark NJ Police Department, now a Special Assistant to the Mayor's Office of Anti-Gang Initiatives and Youth Development in Trenton, NJ. MOESC's series of Online In-Service Training Seminars (O.T.I.S.) have been well-received by school districts as they offer opportunities for educators to earn professional development credits through convenient, economical web-based programming.
CyberAngels and MOESC are already planning their next joint initiative, a program on additional Internet safety topics relevant to schools and families. Online programs for parents are also in the planning stages.
CyberAngels has joined forces with a seasoned provider of quality online in-service training seminars for educators, Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission, www.moesc.org, an agency of the NJ Department of Education, to produce web-based multimedia educational programs on a student safety issues. The first product of this exciting venture is a 2-hour program designed to raise awareness and involve the school community in protecting students from bullying, cyberbullying, and gangs.
This program, features remarks and presentations by Curtis Sliwa, Guardian Angels Founder and CEO, NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly, technology expert Jim Anderson, StandardID, and Barry Colicelli, retired Captain of the Newark NJ Police Department, now a Special Assistant to the Mayor's Office of Anti-Gang Initiatives and Youth Development in Trenton, NJ. MOESC's series of Online In-Service Training Seminars (O.T.I.S.) have been well-received by school districts as they offer opportunities for educators to earn professional development credits through convenient, economical web-based programming.
CyberAngels and MOESC are already planning their next joint initiative, a program on additional Internet safety topics relevant to schools and families. Online programs for parents are also in the planning stages.